501.BB Palestine/12–1348: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in the United Kingdom

top secret

4654. Brit Emb today informed Dept FonOff hoped US Govt would, if suitable opportunities presented themselves, urge upon interested parties in Palestine dispute incorporation in Transjordan of all or greater part of Arab Palestine as best solution problem disposition that area. Dept took occasion inform Brit Emb US position territorial settlement Palestine set forth first two paras Deptel 4485 Dec 1 (ur 5225 Dec 131).

In specific reply Brit Emb’s query, Dept stated that in view US attitude territorial question is one for settlement by negotiation, either directly between parties or through Conciliation Commission, and that US would support such territorial arrangement agreeable to Arab States and Israel as might be reached through either of above methods. Dept considered it advisable await outcome such direct negotiations as might take place or result experience Conciliation Commission before considering possible positive steps to assist in achieving territorial settlement.

  1. Not printed.