501.BB Palestine/12–648: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the United States Delegation at Paris

us urgent

Gadel 688. Following is text of statement to press for simultaneous release at White House and By United States Delegation to General Assembly at, Paris, 10:30 a. m. EST., December 7, 1948:

“President Truman, following adoption by the United Nations General Assembly on November 19 of a resolution for assistance to Palestine refugees, will recommend to Congress that the United States contribute fifty percent of the amount provided for in this resolution but in no case more than a total of sixteen million dollars as the share of the United States. The resolution of the General Assembly, adopted at its 163rd Plenary Meeting on November 19, 1948, considered that a sum of approximately $29,500,000 will be required to provide relief for 500,000 refugees for a period of nine months from 1 December 1948 to 31 August 1949, and that an additional amount of approximately $2,500,000 will be required for administrative and local operational expenses.

The recommendation of the President to Congress for an amount not to exceed $16,000,000 will be made in the earnest hope that other countries will meet the remainder of the total required.

The American Delegation to the United Nations Assembly has emphasized that in accordance with constitutional requirements the President’s recommendation for an appropriation of $16,000,000 for Palestinian refugee relief must be accepted by the Congress before any funds become available. The final decision rests with it. The recommendation will be transmitted to the Congress after it convenes in January.”1

  1. This telegram was repeated to London, Arab capitals, Jerusalem, and Tel Aviv.