501.BB Palestine/10–2548: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Acting Secretary of State

top secret   us urgent

Delga 476. Gadel 289, October 23. It is our view it would be most serious mistake at this juncture to inform any other delegations, particularly Arab and Israeli delegations, that we favor territorial rectification northern Negev in favor of Israel. Although we agree this position is necessary to final solution Palestine question we feel most strongly this or any other rectification should be worked out under auspices Conciliation Commission and by agreement between parties after, but not during, present GA session. Article 5 draft resolution (Delga 351, October 15) was worked out with greatest care with British and Bunche and has as its objective working out of “such adjustments” as contemplated by Dept.

To inform other delegations at this time before GA has even begun consideration Bernadotte plan will have following serious consequences:

This action would lead almost inevitably to proposal of specific amendment to Bernadotte plan leading to other specific amendments. Once this process is started we would very quickly find ourselves in intolerable parliamentary situation on GA seriously damaging our chances of arriving at any viable solution of Palestine question at this session GA. Whether we or Israelis like it or not Bernadotte’s conclusion re Negev is part of fabric of whole Bernadotte plan. To cut fabric at this vital point during GA consideration might unravel whole fabric and make it impossible get two-thirds vote adopt Bernadotte plan as a whole as basis for settlement Palestine question.
Very private talk Rusk, Ross with Shertok indicates that Israeli principal concern to avoid laying down hard and fast Majdal–Faluja line not subject to alteration. Shertok was much encouraged to know we contemplate a more flexible arrangement which would make adjustment Negev a frontier possible under auspices Conciliation Commission. Subsequent conversation with Bunche, Eban indicated [Page 1515] Israelis not likely to seek introduction amendments Bernadotte plan (Delga 467, October 23). If we take hard and fast line and so inform other delegations we favor alteration line, say to Gaza Beersheba this will unquestionably harden Israeli position seek entire Negev as first bargaining position. This extreme position would, of course, completely destroy Bernadotte plan and we assume therefore Dept would not support it. But if Israeli representatives take and maintain such position in GA chances settlement in GA virtually nil.
Negev question very sore point with Arabs, particularly Egyptians, who smarting under their current defeats northern Negev. To inform them this juncture we favor giving northern Negev to Israel would cause incalculable harm our relations Egypt and other Arab states and would undoubtedly harden their opposition to whole Bernadotte plan to such point we would again run most serious risk future obtain Arab acquiescence in Bernadotte plan.
Unilateral action our part this point informing other delegations we favor giving northern Negev to Israel would constitute most serious breach our relations UK this question. Virtually certain most British will agree to in current GA is formula agreed to Article 5 draft resolution. Apart from substance procedure informing other delegations our view in any event is directly contrary understanding no important action taken either by US or UK without prior consultation the other.
To take action contemplated by Dept now would also greatly stiffen Israeli intention which everyone assumes they have to retain positions won during last week’s military operations in defiance SC truce and contrary to clear intent SC action October 19 that parties should withdraw to previous military positions. At same time this would also greatly strengthen Arab conviction that whole US maneuver to delay Committee One consideration Bernadotte plan had as its intention to permit time for Israelis achieve military conquest northern Negev. This factor would have most serious consequences prestige SC and US as member of SC.

Repeated to London as 1105 October 25, 2 p. m.
