501.BB Palestine/10–2048: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Acting Secretary of State

us urgent

Delga 411. Following is text of proposed US draft resolution approved by GADel this morning (reference Delga 410, October 201).

“Whereas the UN Mediator for Palestine in his progress report of September 18 [16], 1948, Part III, states that ‘action must be taken to determine the necessary measures of relief (to the Palestine refugees) and to provide for their implementation’ and asserts that ‘the choice is between saving the lives of many thousands of people now or permitting them to die;’

“Whereas the Acting Mediator in his supplemental report on October 18, 1948,2 declares that ‘the situation of the refugees is now critical’ and that ‘aid must not only be continued but very greatly increased if disaster is to be averted;’ and

“Whereas the alleviation of conditions of starvation and distress among the refugees of Palestine is essential to the success of the efforts of the UN to bring peace to that land; the GA

Commends the governments, organizations, and individuals which have given assistance directly or in response to the Mediator’s appeal;
Determines upon the basis of the Acting Mediator’s recommendation that the sum of $30,000,000 will be required to provide relief for 500,000 refugees for a period of nine months from December 1, 1948 to August 31, 1949;
Urges all states members of the UN to make initial or further voluntary contributions in kind or in funds to the UN in accordance with the special operational scale of contributions for this purpose attached as Annex One to this resolution;
Requests the SYG to take all necessary steps to extend aid [Page 1498] to the Palestine refugees in accordance with the terms of this resolution, utilizing, as appropriate, voluntary agencies, the agencies of the several governments, the specialized agencies of the UN, and such administrative organizations as may be required for this purpose;
Authorizes the SYG of the UN to advance from the working capital fund immediately for the purposes stated in this resolution not to exceed $5,000,000 to be repaid by the first cash contributions received from members for this project under the terms of this resolution;
Urges the WHO, FAO, IRO, UNICEF, and other appropriate organizations and agencies, acting within the framework of the relief program herein established, promptly to contribute supplies, specialized personnel and other services permitted by their constitutions and their financial resources, to relieve the desperate plight of the Palestine refugees.”

  1. Not printed.
  2. United Nations, Official Records of the General Assembly, Third Session, Supplement No. 11 A.