501.BB Palestine/9–2448: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to Mr. Wells Stabler, at Amman

top secret

15. Dept appreciates reasoning penultimate para urtel 63, Sept 24 but considers that in light many important factors involved in over-all picture, particularly urgent necessity acquiescence Arab states and Israel in Bernadotte’s conclusions and successful outcome GA discussions Bernadotte report, any kind of recognition of Transjordan by US at this particular moment would be premature and prejudicial. However in conversations with Transjordan Govt officials you are authorized state in strictest confidence that formal recognition Transjordan is under active consideration by this Govt and that acquiescence by Transjordan in Bernadotte conclusions and degree of cooperation offered by Transjordan in implementing actions and decisions of UN re Palestine will be an important factor in determing this Govts final attitude on recognition.1

  1. This telegram was repeated to Jerusalem as No. 932.