501.AA/7–2248: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Acting United States Representative at the United Nations (Jessup)
489. You may answer inquiries (reurtel 939 July 221) by saying we would support an application by Israel. There is, however, no effective deadline for SC approval of applications for GA action this autumn, except end of session of GA itself. Thus in 1946, Siamese application was, at Siamese request, considered and approved by SC on December 12 and approved by GA on December 15, last day of session.
Our position re Israeli qualifications (Art. 4) is that Israel is a peace-loving State that accepts and is able and willing to carry out obligations of Charter. We assume that Israeli application, when submitted, will contain formal undertaking to that effect in accordance with SC Rule 58 and GA Rule 123. In our opinion, Part I, F, of Partition Resolution of 29 November 1947 would not preclude present admission of Israel.
- Not
printed; it stated that Mr. Eban was sounding out the attitude of
the United States and other members of the Security Council to an
Israeli application for membership in the United Nations. The
telegram noted that if Israel decided to file such an application,
it would have to be done soon to meet the deadline of August 21 when
the Security Council would recess. (501.AA/7–2248)
Mr. Ross read telegram 489 to Mr. Eban on July 30 and “emphasized that we were not going to take the initiative in pressing these views on other delegations; if, however, other delegations sought our views, we would give them along the lines indicated.” (Telegram 974, July 30, 8:04 p. m., from New York, 501.BB Palestine/7–3048)