501.BB Palestine/6–3048: Telegram
The Chargé in Egypt (Patterson) to the Secretary of State
881. Amir Faisal today gave Ireland further details Bernadotte’s suggestions which were confirmed by Syrian Prime Minister Mardam Bey. Suggestions advocate two states Jewish and Arab with common functions including economics. Jewish state to be established within boundaries set up by UN with relinquishment of Negeb in exchange for certain areas including western Galilee. Immigration to be unlimited. Arab state to be Transjordan plug Arab section Palestine. Future of Jaffa to be settled by negotiation.
Amir Faisal and Mardam while acknowledging Bernadotte had couched suggestions in conciliatory language and had requested they not be rejected out of hand made it clear that suggestions were unacceptable. Faisal declared suggestions denied everything Arabs sought and gave Jews everything they were seeking. Mardam declared suggestions worse than partition since if accepted would make Transjordan a Jewish colony through joint economic functions and constitute even greater menace to Arab world. Both clearly indicated opposition to aggrandizement Abdullah.
Amir Faisal declared that unless better suggestions forthcoming Arabs would have no choice but resume fighting July 9 notwithstanding consequences to Arabs through inability secure arms and possible UN sanctions including lifting arms embargo by US. Declared recent events showed Jews getting arms from US and hence lifting embargo would not greatly alter their situation. US must also be aware that Arabs could impose sanctions including cancellation oil concessions. He said withdrawal concessions did not mean Arabia would not reoffer them as to Belgium Italy or even Russia. Latter might lead to unfortunate results but cited Arab proverb “drowning man will grasp even a serpent.”
Ireland gained unmistakable impression that weight of both Faisal and Mardam Bey would be thrown against acceptance Bernadotte’s present suggestions or any proposal to extend truce. Both declared they had opposed acceptance truce and that events had shown their arguments justified.
Sent Department as 881; repeated London as 66; paraphrase by pouch to Arab capitals.