501.BB Palestine/5–2748: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin)

confidential   us urgent

337. Your tel 717, May 27. USUN should support the USSR resolution on Palestine if it remains substantially in its present form.1 If USSR resolution fails, USUN should support UK resolution (your tel 720, May 27) with following changes:

Wherever expression “both parties” is used substitute “all parties”.
In paras. 3 and 4 after Palestine insert “Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Transjordan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Egypt”.
In para. 7 substitute after the expression “with a view to” the following “carrying out the functions of the UN Mediator as determined by the GA”.

In supporting UK resolution you should call attention to the fact that paras. 3 and 4 are taken substantially from the Apr. 17 resolution of the SC.

  1. For Ambassador Austin’s statements before the Security Council on May 28, in support of the Soviet resolution, see SC, 3rd yr., No. 16, pp. 19, 43.