867N.01/5–2048: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Legation in Lebanon

us urgent

252. Your intervention on behalf of American Jewish citizens under detention by Lebanese authorities is approved. In event these American [Page 1018] citizens not yet released or if American citizens are detained in future merely because they are Jews plse inform Lebanese Govt that you have been instructed by your Govt to make it clear that US considers that all bearers of US passports, regardless of race, color or creed, are entitled in an equal measure to protection of US Govt and that US Govt must insist that Govts of other countries do not discriminate against bearers of US passports on ground of race, color or creed. You may add that the US Govt would be compelled to view seriously any discrimination of this character by any Govt against US citizens.

Sent Beirut 252; rptd Damascus 182, Baghdad 161, Jidda 187, Cairo 620, Jerusalem 436, London 1834.
