USUN Files

Memorandum of Telephone Conversation, by Mr. John C. Ross1

Participants: Mr. Dean Rusk, United States Mission
Mr. John C. Ross, United States Mission
Dr. Philip C. Jessup, United States Mission

Mr. Rusk said that he had discussed the current situation this morning with Mr. Lovett, Mr. Armour and Mr. Henderson with the following tentative conclusions:

We must be certain that we do not get into a theoretical position which would be wide of the factual situation.
We must clear up the books making clear the efforts which have been made for a peaceful settlement which has failed because of the lack of cooperation from the parties.
The Palestine Commission and the Truce Council cannot carry out their responsibilities under the 29 November Resolution but we probably should not erase this Resolution altogether.
We are not willing to take on as a member of the Truce Commission any additional administrative responsibilities. More specifically, we definitely will not do so if the United Kingdom will not.

Mr. Rusk indicated that according to Mr. Shertok the Jews are not likely to proclaim their State right away but would start out only by establishing their provisional government.

Mr. Lovett’s present view was inclined against the United States putting in any formal proposal at this stage. He also appears to feel that a trusteeship for all of Palestine would be unrealistic in the light of the present situation as it is developing.

John C. Ross
  1. Initialed by Ambassador Austin.