560.AL/11–2447: Telegram

The Ambassador in Cuba (Norweb) to the Secretary of State


658. Frito 283. Following is No. 1 of summary confidential reports from Habana ITO Conference for distribution to interested agencies.1

Conference opened November 21 by Cuban President Grau San Martin with general remarks containing no surprises. Some references to “young economies” but more moderate than usual expressions on this subject. Statements of welcome then made by assistant secretary general Cohen UN, Max Suetens president Preparatory Committee, representatives IMF, ILO. (Text of these statements airmailed to Department.)2

At brief second plenary meeting November 22 Sergio Clark (Cuba) elected president and Max Suetens (Belgium) first vice president. November 22, 23 and 24 devoted to heads of delegations meetings to organize conference. These meetings and cloak-room conversations indicate Argentina is energetically organizing Latin American bloc. For instance in spite prearrangement to elect Suetens president, Latinos deadlocked meeting and insisted Sergio Clark be given post. This move consummated despite sincere unwillingness Clark to accept post as well as repeated statements other members Cuban delegation they would prefer position go to Suetens. Delegates informed Argentines called meeting November 21 of other Latin American delegations with purpose organizing voting block.3 Plan subsequent meetings. Argentines also taking initiative in violating ECOSOC directive non-UN members may not vote by arguing strongly all members at Habana meeting vote. This course discussion rules of procedure November 24 heads of delegations meeting.4

Potentially touchy dispute over composition important steering committee avoided by United States compromise whereby committee [Page 805] enlarged from 16 to 18. Committee will be composed president Clark, Suetens Belgium, six other vice presidents representing India, Egypt, New Zealand, Switzerland, Costa Rica, Czechoslovakia; chairman of commissions Dedman Australia Comis 1; Beteta Mexico Comis 2; Wilgress Canada Comis 3; Charlone Uruguay Comis 4; Hakim Lebanon Comis 5; Colban Norway Comis 6. Steering committee complement completed with addition Big Four France, China, United Kingdom, United States. Foregoing slate achieved in face bitter Argentine maneuvering with objective of giving Latin America five posts on this committee.

  1. William L. Clayton, former Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs, was chairman of the United States Delegation to the Habana Conference, and Clair Wilcox, Director, Office of International Trade Policy, Department of State, was vice chairman. For a list of the Delegation’s advisory and supporting staff, see Department of State Bulletin, November 23, 1947, pp. 981 and 982. The official files of the United States Delegation to the Habana Conference are in Lot 57D284, Boxes 101–107.

    A master file of the Delegation’s Summary Reports (1–60) and also of the minutes of delegation meetings is in Box 105.

  2. None printed.
  3. Ambassador Norweb informed the Department on November 29, in telegram 678, Frito 288, that William Clayton, head of the U.S. Delegation, had given a series of informal luncheons and dinners, primarily for Latin American delegates during the past week. The U.S. Delegation concluded that except for Argentina and Uruguay, the Latin American delegation heads were friendly and that understandings might be reached with them without undue difficulty. (560.AL/11–2447)
  4. This sentence is apparently garbled.