102.81/6–2747: Airgram

The Chargé in Peru (Ackerman) to the Secretary of State

A–422. Reference Embtels 465 June 26 and 466 June 27.55 Based upon Supreme Decree of June 19, 1947 as first published on June 26 (see Embsgam A–420 of June 2756) the National Council of Foreign Commerce (Consejo Nacional de Comercio Exterior) issued on June 26 new regulations, effective as of July 1, involving important modifications of existing import, export and foreign exchange controls. Text of communiqué in translation reads as follows:

“In accordance with the Supreme Decree of June 19, 1947, the Council has agreed today that as of July 1, 1947, foreign trade will be subject to the following regulations57:

. . . . . . .

  1. Neither printed.
  2. Not printed.
  3. These provided that official exchange would be granted only for essential foods, commodities needed by state and government corporations, merchandise given priority by the National Council of Foreign Commerce, payment of interest, dividends, etc., in foreign countries, and amortization of capital. Imports not in category A were to be made with unofficial exchange and did not require an import license. Imports of luxury items were, for the most part, suspended.

    Applicants for official exchange were required to make a deposit returnable up to 60 days if importation was made or license issued therefor. Applications to cancel licenses were to be honored only for certain specified reasons.