834.00/4–547: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in Paraguay

us urgent

97. Dept repeated urtels 177 Apr 4 and 180 Apr 523 to Rio BA for inf. In view time lag reception here from Asunción and delays retransmission [Page 978] please repeat your future messages re mediation direct to those Embassies.

Since Para Govt as such still seems adverse mediation by neighboring states and has given no definite indication it would view multilateral action Amreps as more acceptable at this time, Dept does not wish to sponsor consultation Amreps outlined Deptel 89 Apr. 1. However, if Brazil continues press direct mediation you may point out to Fonmin Chaves that while, in principle, the US believes in desirability following procedures inter-American system on multilateral consultation and sees possible advantages in Pan-American designation mediatory states, we do not object to Brazilian initiative if acceptable to Paraguay and hope for its prompt success if accepted.

Rebel formation de facto govt which may seek recognition makes multilateral consultation towards mediation at this time more complex since, if Morínigo administration can overcome the rebels promptly (which apparently it still believes it now can), as the acceptedly legitimate Govt of Para it might charge overt action by the other Amreps tended to give hope if not legal status to insurrectionists at very time Govt was about to quell rebellion. If the facts change, matter can be reexamined.

You may discuss our position informally with Fonmin if circumstances warrant. Sent to Asunción as 97. Repeated BA as 282 and Rio as 375.

  1. Neither printed.