811F.504/7–1047: Airgram

The Ambassador in Panama (Hines) to the Secretary of State


A–734. Reference Department’s airgram 449 of July 8, 194798 regarding the taking of oath of allegiance by Panamanian citizens appointed to positions in Panamá Canal and Panamá Railroad.

Citizens of Panamá now occupying “gold-roll” positions have all been required to take standard oath of allegiance. “Silver-roll” employees no longer subscribe to any oath upon employment.

[Page 961]

The taking of our standard oath of allegiance would not affect Panamanian citizenship, this point being covered by Section 2, Article 15 of the new Constitution of Panamá which states that Panamanian citizenship is tacitly renounced “When the employ of another Government is accepted without the permission of the Executive, except in the case of employment on a project in which the Republic is interested in conjunction with another nation.”

Despite the above exception, the Embassy is reliably informed that the Government of Panamá will require all prospective Panamanian appointees to our Civil Service to seek its permission before accepting employment with the Canal or the Railroad. This would result in giving the Government a political veto over such appointments.

  1. Not printed.