817.20 Missions/7–147: Telegram
The Chargé in Nicaragua (Bernbaum) to the Secretary of State
270. Deptel 146 of June 28.54 Upon receipt from Greco of copy of ComGenCarib telegram instructing immediate evacuation of military mission, following statement given to press in Spanish:
“Colonel John Greco, chief of the United States military mission and director of the Nicaraguan Military Academy, has been instructed by the United States Government to withdraw from Nicaragua together with his personnel and equipment, pending the establishment of an internationally recognized Nicaraguan Government.”
I informally apprised Somoza prior to release of foregoing to press. He expressed regret but stated he intends continue in present position until new President elected by Constituent Assembly when he plans proceed States for medical attention and possible visit in Washington.
Initial reaction from reporters and Dr. Enoc Aguado was enthusiastic and congratulatory. Dr. Alejandro Argüello Montiel visited Embassy shortly after Somoza conversation in another attempt to explain Somoza’s position and necessity for our assistance to help him solve political problem. He was visibly depressed and left even more so.
Two representatives ComGenCarib arrived this morning from Panama to assist in mission evacuation. We tentatively arranged to store mission equipment at Las Piedrecitas and office Military Attaché on latter’s responsibility. I expressed desire to cooperate fully in minimizing evacuation burden and stated I have no objection to unhurried [Page 863] evacuation since de facto government and public have already been made aware of US Government position.
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