710 Consultation 4/8–3047: Telegram
The Chairman of the United States Delegation (Marshall) to the Acting Secretary of State
114. Conference summary No. 10. Argentina proposed two following amendments today in Committee II: 1. Addition to article E (our telegram 10423) requiring consultation to ask contending parties in inter-American conflict to reestablish status quo ante bellum; 2. Addition of following sentence to article G, paragraph b “principle of effective jurisdiction shall not be applied except within security zone”.
First amendment approved unanimously notwithstanding that yesterday committee had rejected Colombian-sponsored-US-supported amendment in same sense. Through prior arrangement engineered by Argentina and Peru (Belaunde) those who previously opposed inclusion amendment supported both it and second Argentine proposal.
Vandenberg, after unsuccessfully seeking clarification from Argentina of meaning of second amendment, opposed it strongly as applying limitation of obligation to consult to cases aggression inside zone and as placing geographic limitations on concept of aggression.
Committee adjourned a.m. session with question unresolved. On initiative Alfaro and Torres Bodet matter resolved informal conversation by substituting “an American state” for “another state” in paragraph b and eliminating proposed amendment. Paragraph as approved evening session reads “Invasion, by armed forces of a state, of territory of an American state, by crossing frontiers established in conformity with treaty, judicial decision, or arbitral award, or, in absence of any established frontiers invasion which affects region under effective jurisdiction of another state.” Committee completed work with friendly exchange remarks Argentine–US delegations.
Matter recognizably not basic but expanded beyond real importance by manner Argentine presentation, attitude certain other delegations and press.
[Page 78]Other developments Committee II reported our telegrams 110 and 112.24