
The Ambassador in Haiti (Tittmann) to the Secretary of State

No. 792

Sir: I have the honor to inform the Department that I was disturbed when I was in Washington recently to learn that there was a plan on foot to terminate the Sanitary Mission,34 leaving the Food Supply Mission35 as the only activity of the Institute of Inter-American Affairs in Haiti. I am convinced that such a step would have unfortunate political repercussions here and desire to recommend strongly that the Sanitary Mission be continued along with the Food Supply Mission.

The Sanitary Mission has done an outstanding job. There is no doubt but that its achievements have a widespread popular appeal. The results of the yaws and malaria control programs are immediately apparent and often dramatic, building up good will toward us generally and especially among the Haitian masses who are the principal beneficiaries. The results of the construction program, such as sewer and water projects in the Haitian General Hospital, toilets, health centers, laundries, et cetera, are also readily visible to the man-in-the-street. These construction projects have in addition brought about a [Page 736] strong feeling of cooperation between the Haitians and the Americans who have worked together on them.

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It can be said without hesitation that the Sanitary Mission enhances our prestige and is therefore a definite political asset. Its termination would mean not only the loss of the foregoing advantages, but also could cause positively unfavorable reactions among the Haitians, who would be keenly disappointed. Finally, its termination would eliminate a well-established unit of cooperative action, and activity which for reasons stated above should not be curtailed, but instead increasingly developed in Haiti.36

Respectfully yours,

Harold H. Tittmann
  1. For agreement initiating a cooperative program of health and sanitation in Haiti, effected by exchange of notes signed at Washington April 7, 1942, see Department of State Executive Agreement Series No. 425, or 58 Stat. (pt. 2) 1439.
  2. For memorandum of agreement between the Haitian Government and the Institute of Inter-American Affairs, signed at Port-au-Prince, August 28, 1944, initiating a cooperative food production program in Haiti, see TIAS No. 2061, or 62 Stat. (pt. 3) 3953.

    For agreement between the United States and Haiti respecting a cooperative food production program in Haiti, confirming and extending the agreement of August 28, 1944, as modified and extended, effected by exchange of notes signed at Port-au-Prince December 19, 1947, and January 5, 1948, see TIAS No. 2061, or 62 Stat, (pt.3) 3950.

  3. An agreement between the United States and Haiti respecting a cooperative health and sanitation program in Haiti, extending the agreement of April 7, 1942. as amended, until June 30, 1948, was signed September 30, 1947, and effected by change of notes signed at Port-au-Prince September 25 and 27, 1947; for text of agreement and exchange of notes, see TIAS No. 1693, or 61 Stat, (pt 4) 3651.