822.24/8–1647: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in Ecuador
250. Urtel 328, Aug 16. War Dept does not use or stock 7.92 caliber ammo and thus none is or will be available. Maximum amt comparable [Page 685] ammo possible War Dept supply Ecuador is (1) three yrs training supply each weapon purchased interim program, and (2) three yrs supply each weapon transferred lend-lease. This formula being applied all countries participating program and in opinion War Dept provides sufficient ammo to meet normal requirements.
Ecuador has ordered all ammo eligible receive under (1) above. This amounts to approx 1,500,000 rounds small caliber ammo at bargain price of 5 per cent cost to US or about $9,000. Ecuador eligible receive under (2) above, approx 812,000 rounds small caliber ammo priced at about $4,500. Ecuador has ordered Some but not all ammo this category. No commitment should be made supply ammo excess these amounts.
Although not possible at present undertake commitments additional those indicated above par, future program envisaged Ecuador includes additional 30 caliber and other weapons to replace non-standard weapons. It therefore would not appear in best interest Ecuador purchase large quantities non-standard ammo, particularly since prices quoted by Czechs are many times higher than prices it has so far been possible quote for interim program ammo, i.e., approx $4.65 per thousand rounds rifle ball ammo. Acquisition at this time of such large quantities ammo commit Ecuador to Mauser rifle. Over extended period cost of ammo used by one rifle will greatly exceed cost of new rifle.
Implementation envisaged program is of course dependent upon passage by Congress of arms bill.36 Hence no commitment beyond paragraph 2 shld be made. For Emb’s conf info War Dept is exploring possibility second interim program under which Ecuador may be offered small amt additional military equipment later this yr.
Amdel Rio has referred urtel Dept for action. Problems this nature should not be ref erred Rio in future. Also your message was over-classified for security purposes.