710 Consultation 4/8–1947: Telegram

The Chairman of the United States Delegation to the Acting Secretary of State


29. Daily Conference summary No. 4. Meetings Committees II and III further outlined work plan but made no substantial progress substantive matters.

Proposed Mexican resolution economic matters formally submitted (retel 2779) under which Conference would instruct inter-American ECOSOC prepare draft agreement of agreements on economic cooperation to submit Bogotá Conference and urge American representative augment ECOSOC staffs on economic and budgetary matters for this purpose. Colombia presented resolution same effect.

Owing impossibility adequate definition, US delegation decided on initiative Vandenberg to drop reference in US revised proposal to [Page 41] “military measures” other than armed force in listing types measures to which two-thirds vote would bind non-concurring parties. Instead will adhere language Act Chapultepec. Delegation also decided introduce article permitting adherence treaty by nonsignatory states in order permit later Canadian and Nicaraguan adherence.

Eva Perón80 scheduled arrive Petrópolis August 20 for 1 day’s stay.

  1. Not printed.
  2. Wife of President Perón of Argentina.