701.6132/10–2447: Telegram
The Chargé in Brazil (Key) to the Secretary of State
1470. Rezov, Second Secretary Soviet Embassy, phoned today to inquire how soon transit visas could be issued 24 members Soviet Embassy staff. He was informed if passports delivered Monday transit visas would probably be ready within 2 or 3 days. Rezov expressed satisfaction this arrangement and said 9 diplomatic and 15 official passports would be delivered Monday morning.
At same time Rezov requested assistance obtaining steamer reservations. Embassy gave noncommital reply view assurances given by Brazilian Government facilitate arrangements for departure Soviet staff and in absence appointment Soviet protective power I feel Embassy should not become involved with Soviets’ departure arrangements other than issuance transit visas. Department’s comment would be appreciated.22
Department relay Moscow.
- In telegram 1221, October 27, 6 p.m., the Department indicated approval of the Embassy’s policy of avoiding involvement with the Soviet departure arrangements (701.6132/10–2447).↩