
The Chargé in Brazil (Key) to the Secretary of State

No. 2482

Subject: Departure of Soviet Ambassador from Brazil

The Chargé d’Affaires a. i. has the honor to quote below the text of a memorandum dated June 25, 1947, prepared by the Special Assistant8 on the above subject:

“A usually reliable source has informed me that, according to an informant in the Brazilian Foreign Office, Soviet Ambassador Suritz, [Page 394] before his departure from Rio in May, wrote a letter to the Foreign Minister of Brazil9 stating that he greatly regretted the occurrences which culminated in the closing of the Communist Party and which would probably cause the expulsion of Communist members from the National Congress.
“Suritz is alleged further to have stated that he could not continue to represent in Brazil a country whose chief of government is subjected to daily insults and injuries in the press. He reiterated his sympathy for the Brazilian people, but stated that under the circumstances he had no choice but to follow the course which he had taken.
“The same source states that there is considerable speculation in the Itamaratí over the question of whether or not Russia will suspend diplomatic relations with Brazil, unless for political expediency, they decide to send a new Ambassador to Brazil. The Foreign Office does not expect Suritz to return.”

  1. Randolph A. Kidder.
  2. Raul Fernandes.