701.3261/2–447: Airgram

The Ambassador in Brazil (Pawley) to the Secretary of State

A–126. Reference Embassy’s despatch No.1511 of January 22, 1947 entitled “Brazilian Note to U.S.S.R. on incident in Moscow involving Brazilian Diplomatic Secretary” which transmitted to the Department text of the Brazilian Note.4 O Jornal of February 1 published the following communication from the Brazilian Foreign Office relating to the Brazilian Note:

“The Chargé d’Affaires of Brazil in Moscow has just informed the Itamaratí (Foreign Office) that he has received a note from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the U.S.S.R. in which the Soviet Government, disagreeing from our understanding as to the facts, considers it useless further to discuss the incident involving Secretary Pina.

“With reference to the installation of the Brazilian Embassy, the same Government considers it provisory, determined as a consequence of the war, but the Government explains that steps are being taken for an installation worthy of all the diplomatic missions, including that of Brazil.”

  1. Neither printed.