710 Consultation 4/7–2447: Telegram
The Ambassador in Ecuador (Simmons) to the Secretary of State
296. Principal newspapers Quito last night and this morning carried identical articles evidently originating Foreign Office outlining items Ecuador intends to present for agenda at Rio Conference. [Page 26] Points of view agreed upon by President and Minister Foreign Affairs46 follow:
- 1.
- Constitution of the American regional organization and its connection with United Nations;
- 2.
- Ratification of all treaties, agreements and resolutions of various Pan American conferences relative to security of continent and maintenance of peace;
- 3.
- Definition of aggressor and authority that declares it, which will be board (consejo directivo) of Pan American Union;
- 4.
- Efficacious means for avoiding continental or extra-continental aggression;
- 5.
- Political, economic and military means for sanctioning aggression;47
- 6.
- All resolutions must be decided by two-thirds vote and all of 21 American Republics being obliged thereby.
Press also confirms that Ecuadoran Delegation will depart for Rio August 8. Minister Foreign Affairs will accept invitation Argentine Government spend 2 days in Buenos Aires en route. Press notices purporting to have originated in Foreign Office state Ecuadoran Government is considering sending a number of recently elected Senators and deputies as delegates to Rio Conference. These probably in addition to names previously reported. Idea seems to be this would facilitate ratification of Rio resolutions in next Ecuadoran Congress.
While not mentioned in press I feel it might be that this maneuver is contemplated with a view to avoiding calling extraordinary session of Congress in Ecuador for present.