710 Consultation 4/7–1847

Memorandum of Telephone Conversation, by Mr. Gordon S. Reid of the Division of Central America and Panama Affairs

Mr. Rogers45 called me this morning to discuss the Nicaraguan situation and at the end of our talk stated that the Canadian Government understood that it was being invited to the Rio Conference in the role of observer. He then amended that so [and said?] that he understood the Brazilians were attempting to have Canada invite them. He said he thought I would be interested to know that the Canadian Government was hoping that they would not be invited either as an observer or in any other way. He ended by saying that it would certainly look funny to have the invitation issued to “the United Nations and Canada”. When he finished the conversation he was still wondering whether that was an insult or compliment.

  1. R. L. Rogers, Third Secretary of the Canadian Embassy.