893.00/4–1247: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Smith)33

924. Moskco 60. For the Secretary. We suggest a reply along the following lines to Nanking’s 801 Apr 12 repeated to you as no. 12: Believe Chinese Govt will be well advised to delay presentation of request for assistance until after reorganization of Govt and you are authorized to make an informal approach in that sense. It is realized that the Chinese Govt may infer that we are in effect giving encouragement to the idea that their request will when submitted receive favorable consideration. You should make it clear that no such assurance is or can be given now.

It is not believed advisable to tie timing of request with my return to Washington. Your raising this question also raises the question as to whether the Chinese Govt is contemplating a request in a form which will require Congressional action or whether they have in mind utilization of funds earmarked by Eximbank for possible future credits to China. You might discreetly endeavor to ascertain the answer.

  1. In telegram No. 1360, April 14, 11 p.m., (893.00/4–1447) the Embassy in the Soviet Union had transmitted a request of Brig. Gen. Marshall S. Carter, Special Assistant to the Secretary of State, for the views of Mr. Vincent on telegram No. 801, April 12, 3 p.m., printed supra.