
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in China (Stuart)

No. 279

The Secretary of State transmits herewith for the information of the Officer in Charge a copy of an amendatory agreement3 signed by the Representatives of the Republic of China, the Central Bank of China, the National Resources Commission of China and the Export-Import Bank of Washington. The purpose of the amendment is to extend the availability of the credit of $50 million authorized on November 30, 19404 to the Central Bank of China to finance the purchase in the United States of agricultural machinery and industrial products. The credit expired on December 31, 1946 and with this amendatory agreement, the credit is extended to June 30, 1947. While [Page 1087] the amendatory agreement has just recently been signed, it is made effective as of December 31, 1946 in order to conform with the necessary legal requirements.

  1. Not printed.
  2. See oral statement of the Department of State to the Chinese Embassy, December 4, 1940, Foreign Relations, 1940, vol. iv, p. 705.