Memorandum by the Director of the Office of Far Eastern Affairs (Vincent) to the Secretary of State
[Washington,] May 2, 1947.
Nanking’s message is indicative of what we may expect from the Chinese Government in the near future in the way of a request for military and economic assistance.
[Here follows summary of telegram No. 916, April 28, midnight, from the Ambassador in China, printed supra].
Following are our recommendations:
- 1.
- Financial assistance. We await the presentation of a formal request, which is anticipated shortly.
- 2.
- Ammunition and 3. 8⅓ group program. Inasmuch as the problem of military assistance to China is now under review by Joint Chiefs of Staff, we should await their recommendations.
- 4.
- American military adviser. General Lucas95 is already in China and we perceive no reason for sending an additional adviser.96
J[ohn] C. V[incent]