893.032/3–1647: Telegram
The Ambassador in China (Stuart) to the Secretary of State
[Received March 16—6:55 a.m.]
576. Official Government Central News Agency issued following release 15th on Gimo’s address to opening session of Kuomintang [Page 64] Central Executive Committee (full text of 20-minute address has not been released to press):
“Our most urgent duty toward the country today is to consolidate our national unity and remove all the obstacles standing in the way of national reconstruction. At the same time we are firmly determined not to alter our fixed policy of instituting democratic government and carrying out national reconstruction. Nor will we slacken in our efforts to realize constitutional rule and economic rehabilitation. Our nation-wide demands today are national unification and political democratization.
“Since victory, our most important mission has been the implementation of the principle of people’s rights and the principle of people’s livelihood. If we only strive hard and with sincerity and are unremitting in our efforts, I can positively say that there will be no force, however strong, that can thwart the successful consummation of our task of national reconstruction.”
This is the gist of President Chiang Kai-shek’s speech delivered this morning at the opening ceremony of the third plenary session of the sixth Kmt Central Executive Committee. The speech was made at Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s mausoleum.
Meeting on the eve of the inauguration of constitutional government, President Chiang pointed out, the present session of the CEC is the most momentous one of the party in the past 20 years. In fact, the session is one which terminates the political tutelage of the country under the Kuomintang. Therefore, President Chiang said, it is important that the session should discuss and examine fully the status and duties of our party in the interim period pending the inauguration of constitutional government, and adopt explicit resolutions regarding them.
During the present session, President Chiang further said, we must re-define the relations between our party and the Government and revise the ideas and attitudes of our party members formed during the period of political tutelage. In the past, he said, the policies of our party were transmitted through the party to the Government for execution. Hereafter whatever resolutions our party may pass on military, political and economic affairs of the country can only be presented to the Government in the form of recommendations and we should assist the Government in their execution. While we cannot entirely relieve ourselves of our responsibility to the country before the convocation of the next National Assembly, we must, however, start preparations to relegate our party to the status of an ordinary party just as any other party and we should do our duties and enjoy the rights in the same manner as do the other parties. We should cooperate with other parties and pool our efforts together in order [Page 65] to hasten the successful completion of our task of national reconstruction.
President Chiang deeply deplored the outbreak of armed rebellion of the Chinese Communists which, he said, is blocking national unification and causing widespread suffering to the people. Because the Communists have stubbornly placed their implicit faith in armed force and have been deliberately breaking faith, the hopes for a political settlement of the national situation are shattered by them. In order to safeguard national unity and the security of the people, President Chiang said, the Government cannot but take measures to quell the rebellion.
Prefacing his speech with a brief review of the work of the second plenary session of the CEC in Chungking in March last year, President Chiang said:
“It is indeed heartrending to speak of the progress of peaceful national reconstruction. The manifesto of the second plenary session16 pointed out that nationalization of the armed forces is the basis of peace and unity. Unless and until we have national unity in name and in fact, we cannot realize democracy and proceed with the work of economic reconstruction. Therefore it is emphasized that there should not be a recurrence of armed rebellion in the country nor should there be chaos and disorders in various localities.
“The manifesto further pointed out that peace and order and alleviation of the suffering of the people are urgently needed, but the restoration of communications is all the more pressing for the revival of national economy. Therefore, the manifesto of the second plenary session insists on demanding the Communist forces to cease attacks and all other activities blocking national unification.
“In dealing with the internal political complications the National Government has consistently been observing the principles laid down in the manifesto quoted above. The Government, deeply concerned over the suffering of the people caused by the war, has exercised great tolerance and patience toward the armed activities of the Chinese Communists in blocking national unification and harming the people, in order to seek a settlement by political means and through mediation.
“During the past year the Government has issued three cease-fire orders and has through the mediation of our friendly nation, the United States, carried on numerous negotiations. But the Communists have always placed their reliance in armed force and have been deliberately breaking faith. While the Government in observance of the agreement for military reorganization was carrying out reduction of the army, the Communists have been incessantly expanding their forces. Every time when the Government issued a cease-fire order the Communists took advantage of it and expanded their occupied area. Finally the Communists refused to participate in the National Assembly and refused to recognize the constitution adopted by the Assembly. [Page 66] They have also resolutely rejected the proposal of the Government to appoint representatives to continue peace negotiations.
“What has happened during the last 3 months clearly proves that the hopes for a settlement by political means have been shattered. Meantime the armed activities of the Communists in their all-out rebellion to frustrate national unification are spreading wider and wider every day. While the people of the entire country are demanding stability, the Chinese Communists deliberately refuse to give them a minute of peace. While the people are appealing for peace, the Chinese Communists are deliberately widening their sphere of disturbance. The Government in order to safeguard the unity of the nation and the security of the people naturally cannot sit tight and watch the spread of the disturbance without taking measures to suppress it. It is indeed a great misfortune of the country that the disturbance will further impair the process of national recovery and thwart the progress of the work of rehabilitation and economic reconstruction.”
After reaffirming the party’s determination to overcome all obstacles standing in the way of national unification and to consummate successfully the task of national reconstruction, President Chiang dwelt at length on the mission of the present session of the CEC. He said:
“There are many problems that will come up before the session for discussion. But personally I consider that the session should especially study fully the status and duties of our party in the interim period of preparation for the inauguration of constitutional government and adopt clear-cut resolutions in regard to them. We are now on the eve of the introduction of constitutional rule and it will be only 9 months from now when the constitution will come into force. Actually the present session is the one that will terminate political tutelage.
“Since the completion of our northern punitive expedition,17 due to recurrent national crises, our party has during the past 20 years shouldered alone the onerous responsibility for the affairs of the country. But we have never for a day neglected our preparations for the introduction and institution of constitutional government. During the period of our war of resistance we had invited the various parties and civic leaders to join in the dual task of war of resistance and national reconstruction. The formation of the People’s Political Council has laid the foundation for political democracy. Now that the constitution has been promulgated, we in the course of our national reconstruction shall soon enter into the period of constitutional government. Politically, we shall advance from the period of one party responsible for the government of the country into the period of joint responsibility of various parties and the entire people of the country. From now on the responsibility for the state will devolve on the shoulders of the various parties and the people of the entire country. Therefore this session is the most important one unprecedented in the past 20 years.
[Page 67]“As from the present session we shall have to re-define our relations between our party and the Government and to revise the ideas and attitudes of our party members formed in the period of political tutelage. In the past the policies of our party had been transmitted through the party to the Government for execution. Hereafter whatever resolutions we may pass on the military, political and economic affairs of the country, we can only present to the Government in the form of recommendations and we should assist the Government in their being carried out. Pending the convocation of the next National Assembly we cannot relieve ourselves entirely of our responsibility to the country; we however must immediately make preparations to relegate our party to the status of an ordinary party and stand in the equality with other parties. We shall do the duties and enjoy the rights in the same manner as will the other parties.
“Further we should cooperate with and help one another to hasten the consummation of the task of national reconstruction. This is the point which was not present in all the previous session. I must especially call your attention to it and hope that you all will carefully study it and crystallize it into a resolution for the observance of all the party members.”
Finally President Chiang urged the session to devote time and attention to examine the party itself, to improve the quality of its membership, to reform its administration, to reorient the relations between the party and the people and to reinvigorate their spirit in serving the people, and to cultivate the spirit of self-criticism in order to effect general improvement.
President Chiang further said that it is undeniable that our party has many shortcomings and we should rectify and overcome them. Especially at a time when our country and our revolution are encountering difficulties, we must study how to strengthen our self-confidence and mutual confidence. On the eve of the inauguration of constitutional government, President Chiang further urged, all of our party members should be broad-minded and sincerely work together with other parties. All these problems the present session of the CEC should carefully and calmly discuss and work out resolutions.18 We must know that our party has existed for the salvation and reconstruction of the country. Only by reforming our party can we strengthen the party. Only by strengthening our party can we make the party shoulder the heavy responsibility toward the country, President Chiang concluded. End full text official Central News Agency report on Gimo address.
Department please repeat to Moscow.