121.893/8–2647: Airgram

The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Smith) to the Secretary of State

A–855. Soviet press recently carried following items on Wedemeyer Mission.

Red Fleet of August 22, “Wedemeyer Mission to China” by I. Yaltin, states mission is result of Kuomintang’s critical position [Page 763] and is connected with US plans for enslaving China. Rabbub about non-existent Soviet aid is needed by Kuomintang to divert attention from real reasons for crisis, and by USA to justify further intervention. USA will train and arm 20 more divisions, using Japanese officers. Formosa will be training center. Aid terms postulate unrestricted American control. USA demands eight military bases.

Pravda’s International Review of August 25, “What Are Real Aims of General Wedemeycr in China?” by N. Marinin, quotes Chinese press [that] Mission is intended to gain time for complete reorganization of Kuomintang army before offensive against People’s democratic troops.
