893.00/3–1247: Telegram
The Consul General at Tsingtao (Spiker) to the Secretary of State
[Received March 12—8:55 a.m.]
18. Communists have occupied Kiaohsien on railway 40 miles northwest of Tsingtao. Tsimo, 30 miles north of here, reportedly has suffered several heavy night attacks but situation there not yet deemed critical.
Government troops available for defense this area estimated 70 to 100 thousand. Population relatively calm. Authorities placing movable barricades at various places throughout city.
Missionary reports indicate Communist forces strongly indoctrinated against Americans. Several days ago native pastor of American Presbyterian Mission at Kaomi was shot as an American spy. Contrary to former practice, Catholic priests and nuns evacuating from interior points threatened by Communists.
I attended two 3-hour conferences called by Admiral Cooke12 and Rear Admiral Denebrink13 on Sunday and Tuesday respectively to revise plans for possible concentration of American citizens and probably other foreign residents. It is assumed Department being kept advised by Navy Department concerning Navy plans here as they relate to policy.
Sent to Embassy as 18.