
Draft Directive No. 2 by General Wedemeyer

Program for 22 July to 29 July

Our objective is to examine and appraise the current and projected political, economic, psychological and military situations in China (to include Manchuria and Formosa) and Korea in order to submit to the President and the Secretary of State appropriate recommendations concerning American policies and programs.
This directive covers a one week period immediately following our arrival. Another Directive will be prepared later covering the succeeding three weeks.
Generally, our activities during this first week will be limited to establishing and maintaining contacts with U. S. and Chinese sources located in Nanking and Shanghai, and of preparing appropriate memoranda from time to time which will insure that the Head of the Mission is kept informed of information, highlights obtained and of any thoughts and ideas which should be later included in the Final Report.
Specifically, each member should contact his opposite number in the Embassy as soon after arrival as practicable with a view to:
Ascertaining new developments in China pertaining to your special field.
Determining Embassy expectations with regard to the activities of the Mission and to the Final Report.
Obtaining that information from Washington which has been received by the Embassy since our departure from the U. S.
Reviewing status of current Chinese Aid Programs and any negotiations in progress which are of interest to the U. S. Government.
Considering and screening all proposed China Aid Programs and projects current and projected to include financial considerations involved.
It is tentatively planned that the Mission will proceed to Shanghai Saturday, 26 July for the purpose of conferring with Consular officials and American business men located there in order to discuss problems affecting U. S. commercial and investment relations with China. Arrangements will be handled through Mr. Monnet Davis.32 Party will return to Nanking same day. It is desired that the economic and fiscal advisors collaborate in the preparation of a program for that day.
In addition to the general tasks outlined above, the following additional tasks are assigned:
Admiral Trexel will familiarize himself with the organization and modus operandi of the Naval Advisory Group.
Colonel Hutchin will familiarize himself with the organization and modus operandi of the Army Advisory Group.
Mr. Watson will familiarize himself with the organization and modus operandi of USIS32a and the Chinese Governmental Departments of Information, Education, Cultural Relations and those related thereto.
Mr. Walker will report on the steps taken by the Chinese to implement the findings of previous missions much as the Sino-American Joint Agricultural Mission. You will also report on the methods and effectiveness of UNRRA.
Mr. Jenkins will report on financial and monetary situation, the Central Bank Asset position, the silver loan request, the activities of the Ex-Im Bank.
Through all of this it is emphasized that brief and succinct reports will be of special help to the Head of the Mission and to other Advisors in that it will not only keep us all informed of what each individual has learned, but it will in many cases obviate the necessity for the Head of the Mission to talk to some individuals. In this connection it is suggested that where possible briefs and reports be confined to two pages, double spaced.
Briefings will be started at the Embassy at 0930 Wednesday, 23 July. Additional briefings will be scheduled during the week, coordination being attained through the Executive. It is desired that each Advisor submit his recommendations concerning the program for the following three weeks not later than 1700 Sunday, 27 July.
  1. Consul General at Shanghai.
  2. United States Information Service.