693.0023/3–3147: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Smith)

1151. As Emb is aware Dept knows no feasible means conduct courier service Dairen other than that to which FonOff will so far not accede. (Urtel 1102 Mar 31, 11 a.m. and Nanking’s 945, May 2 to Dept.73) We had hoped that transfer control Dairen to Chinese Govt would solve problem but there seems to be little promise of early transfer. Accordingly suggest you discuss courier problem with FonOff with view (Sent Moscow repeated Nanking) persuading Soviets reconsider attitude or exploring other feasible possibilities.

  1. Latter not printed; it reported that 10 bags of classified mail and 6 sea pouches had accumulated at Shanghai for Dairen (051.93/5–247).