
Memorandum of Conversation, by the Deputy Director of the Office of Far Eastern Affairs (Penfield)

Ambassador Koo phoned this morning and stated that Mr. Vincent29 had asked him last week (1) whether the Chinese Government had replied to our note regarding Dairen and (2) whether any negotiations between the Chinese and Soviets in regard to Dairen were presently taking place. (Mr. Vincent referred to press reports to the effect that Chiang Ching-kuo30 was engaged in discussions on this subject.)

Ambassador Koo said that he had inquired of Nanking and was now informed that a reply to our note had been sent to our Embassy at Nanking on January 26, and that there is absolutely no truth in reports that Sino-Soviet discussions in regard to Dairen are going on. The Ambassador added that the Chinese opinion was that the Soviets were obligated to hand over Dairen to Chinese civilian administration and that it was up to them to take the initiative.

I told Ambassador Koo that we had received word of the Chinese reply from our Embassy at Nanking and thanked him for his courtesy in calling.

  1. John Carter Vincent, Director of the Office of Far Eastern Affairs.
  2. Eldest son of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek.