893.00/1–2947: Telegram
The Ambassador in China (Stuart) to the Secretary of State
[Received January 29—9:40 a.m.]
161. RefEmbtel 119, January 21. Following statement44 by Lu Ting-yi, Chief Department of Information, Central Executive Committee, Chinese Communist Party, in reply to statement by Kmt Ministry of Information:
“Entire content of statement Kmt Ministry of Information is rejection of two conditions raised by Chinese Communist Party for restoring peace negotiations—it is rejection of nullification of Chiang Kai-shek’s false constitution and of restoration of military positions of January 13, 1946. Moreover, it raises four points of so-called peace proposal.
These four points have already been transmited by Chiang Kai-shek to Chinese Communist Party. It is clear that so-called peace negotiations are complete fraud and so-called four points are employed to reject prerequisites for real peace negotiations. Inasmuch as these prerequisites are rejected, what kind of sincerity or peace negotiations remain to be spoken of?
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… If we speak according to law, all bellicose elements of Kmt should be punished as war criminals, all Kmt reactionaries and secret police agents who broke PCC decisions should be punished as Fascists, Kmt Government officials who signed Sino-American commercial treaty should be punished as traitors. Furthermore, they should have to compensate to people of liberated areas and of all China for colossal damages suffered from Chiang Kai-shek’s launching of civil war. We have not raised all these just and equitable demands, however, but have only demanded nullification of false constitution and restoration of military positions of January 13 last year. What is this if not the most extreme clemency toward Chiang Kai-shek?
To what degree of lawlessness has Chiang Kai-shek reached within past year? If we do not ask him to carry out our two minimum points, if we ‘cease fire at present positions’, forget all his past crimes [Page 29] and give him time to rest and regroup his troops, consolidate invaded areas, replenish his armies, ‘reorganize government’ to get $500,000,000 or more loans and military aid from the United States Government, then when he has strength to launch large-scale offensive again, Chiang Kai-shek will certainly be more lawless. What happened last year is good example.
Therefore, if we still want independence, peace and democracy, we must ask Chiang Kai-shek to nullify his fake constitution and restore positions of January 13 last year. We will never rest till this goal is attained. All deceptions will be in vain. Now that Chiang Kai-shek has rejected these two points and has brought forward his deceptive ‘peace proposals’ in conflict, he will have to bear responsibility for all consequences.[”]45