800.48 FRP/9–3047: Telegram

The Ambassador in China (Stuart) to the Secretary of State

2004. Department’s comments re terms of relief agreement (Department’s telegram 1172, September 19, 7 p.m.) given Foreign Office September 23 orally and later confirmed in writing.

Director, American Affairs Department, Foreign Office,85 September [Page 1350] 29 informed Embassy representatives that comments wired to Dr. Wang Shih-chieh, Foreign Minister now in United States, who in turn questioned following points:

Article II (a). Phrase “under direct supervision and control” might be interpreted to include general supervision and control over Chinese Government. Embassy representatives stated that such interpretation not possible; that same language used in agreements with other countries; and that Embassy not prepared to take up this point again with Department.
In same section article II question of voluntary agencies. Foreign Office official concerned stated Dr. Wang would prefer inclusion following phrase “by the established voluntary agencies which are agreed upon between the two governments” (see paragraph 4, Embassy’s telegram 1917, September 13, Par 17, which seemingly not completely covered reference telegram). Official stated that in practice he would expect United States Government to designate agencies and that Chinese Government would approve. As object is primarily to save face regarding phrase cited last paragraph above, Embassy feels sympathetic consideration might be given to inclusion this phrase but requests Gilpatric comment.
Article II (d). Dr Wang assertedly objected to references to “excessive amount” and “similar supplies”. Foreign Office official informed language on these points from Public Law 84 must be used as Department has no discretion to omit phrase.

Foreign Office wiring substance foregoing to Dr. Wang with suggestion he contact Department if he desires any further clarification.

Foreign Office also proposes insertion of “available” before “information” in article VII (b). Embassy sees no objection.

Sent Department 2004, repeated Shanghai 809.

  1. Tung Ling.