811.42793 SE/10–1747: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in China (Stuart)
1293. Dept notes omission important para Article 11 as quoted Embtel 2072, Oct 1428 and 2089, Oct 17. Should include as final paragraph “The Secy of State of USA will make available to Foundation Chinese national currency in such amounts as may be required by Foundation but in no event in excess of budgetary limitation established pursuant Art 3 of present agreement.”
If Dept’s impression correct that paragraph above omitted in error, Dept approves text and authorizes Emb set date for signature (Embtel 2071, Oct 14). Would prefer substitution words “the rate” for “it” last clause sentence beginning “Should this latter rate” Article 11.
Dept suggests Emb name Board members, invite Chinese appoint advisers. If Emb agrees Dept favors announcing American Board members simultaneously with signing of agreement. Dept requires minimum 3 days obtain clearance here for two Board members not on Emb staff. If delay in clearance encountered Dept favors signing agreement without announcement Board members.
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