811.42700 SE/5–447: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in China (Stuart)
579. In general Dept concurs Embs recommendations Embtel 966 May 4. Appreciates difficulties owing absence cultural officer. Depts proposals prepared in consultation Wilma Fairbank. Airpouching for Embs comments tentative first year program11 also prepared in consultation Fairbank. Specifically Dept agrees Embs recommendations re limited scope first year, desirability graduate rather than undergraduate students, exchange professors, and endorses Embs view projects should involve active Chinese cooperation. Dept agrees importance hiring executive secretary and staff soonest but impossible proceed any aspect Fulbright program until agreement with China concluded. Officer can be paid only Chinese currency hence doubtful he could be hired transported from U. S. although Dept exploring possibility. Awaiting Embs reactions regarding terms agreement establishing foundation.
- Instruction No. 346, May 21, not printed.↩