Memorandum by the Assistant Chief of the Division of Commercial Policy (Gay) to Mr. Woodbury Willoughby, Associate Chief of the Division
Status of Treaty Negotiations With the Philippines
No negotiating meetings have been held since July 30, 1947, at which time the Department considered negotiations practically completed.
Developments since July 30:
August 1—The Philippine negotiators sent a comprehensive report to President Roxas and asked for instructions with respect to further negotiations.
[Page 1122]August 8–August 22—Department sent two telegrams to the Embassy at Manila in hope that Embassy might be able to expedite Roxas’ instructions to the Filipino negotiators.
August 25—U.S. Embassy reported results of conversation with Roxas who indicated treaty before him for prompt decision.
October 1—U.S. Embassy reported treaty discussed briefly with Roxas repeating previous concern regarding practice of professions because of Chinese situation. Quirino37 suggested completion negotiations and signature Manila.
October 8—Department replied, while U.S. would be glad to sign treaty in Washington, no objection signing in Manila particularly if negotiations would be facilitated. Since negotiations have been carried to an advanced stage with Philippine Embassy, every effort should be made to avoid reopening entire treaty.
December 8—Dr. Maloles advised Department of receipt of message approximately December 2 that the “treaty is being taken care of at Manila”.38