851G.00/2–2147: Telegram

The Vice Consul at Hanoi (O’Sullivan) to the Secretary of State


67. This French text Ho Chi Minh appeal of February 20 to French people and French President (have seen original letter and have verified Ho’s signature thereon).60

[Page 75]

[Translation:] “Once again I address an urgent appeal to the Government and people of France.

Much French and Vietnamese blood has been shed.

Numerous Vietnamese towns and villages are destroyed and French enterprises ruined.

Each day that this fratricidal war lasts multiplies the misery and increases the devastation.

It is claimed that the French forces are used only to establish peace and order. This is not true. The truth is that where there are no French troops there is no conflict arid peace and order reign. Once more we solemnly declare that the people of Vietnam desire only their unity and independence within the French Union, and we pledge ourselves to respect French economic and cultural interests in Vietnam.

Can France, the champion of liberty, continue to make war on a people who are claiming only the most legitimate rights and who wish to cooperate with her?

France has only to give the word for hostilities to cease immediately, for so many lives and so much property to be saved, for friendship and confidence to reign.

If in spite of our sincere desire for peace, France insists upon continuing the war, she will lose all without gaining anything for the war will result only in the creation of hatred and bitterness between our two peoples.

It is true that the French troops have airplanes and tanks but we have on our side the justice of our cause and the firm intention to resist until the end.

We do not believe that France desires to continue this war which is the anti-constitutional, disastrous and without glory.

We beg the French Government to be so good as to make known clearly its policy with regard to Vietnam. We beg the French people to be so good as to make known their opinion of this bloody and stupid conflict.

As for ourselves our position is clear: we want our unity and our independence within the French Union; we want a just peace which will do honor both to France and to Vietnam.”

(Signed) Ho Chi Minh

Transmission copy this document apparently reason Giam requesting meeting for today with Consuls. Original this message in hands French authorities.

  1. In repeating this telegram in 789, February 28, noon, to Paris, the Department added: In view of O’Sullivan’s verification signature and Ramadier’s reluctance concede authenticity previous proposals Dept anxious learn French reaction and intentions.” (851G.00/2–2147)