851G.00/1–1647: Telegram
The Vice Consul at Hanoi (O’Sullivan) to the Secretary of State
19. About 6,000 Vietnamese (all of whom departed for Vietnam controlled areas) and 500 Chinese (most of whom remained Hanoi) left Chinese quarter Hanoi yesterday under arrangements made by Chinese Consul General with Tu Ve36 in that area. Chinese Consul General very vague about how he made these arrangements but I believe bribery may have been used.
This leaves about 10,000 Chinese, 600 Hindus, and unknown numbers Vietnamese still in quarter.
Yesterday’s scheduled meeting of Consuls with Vietnamese authorities, reference questions of remaining neutrals Chinese quarter and French hostages, was postponed by military operations. It is now tentatively set for January 17.37
Repeat to Paris.
- Armed anti-French force holding the Chinese quarter of Hanoi.↩
- The meeting took place on January 21 when the Vietnamese promised to release “neutrals” (non-French) and hinted that French persons might be visited by the International Red Cross. On January 24 a further evacuation of the Chinese quarter at Hanoi occurred. Before the final evacuation on February 20 could take place, the quarter was abandoned by armed Vietnamese. In telegram 62, February 18, from Hanoi, Vice Consul O’Sullivan stated: “This solves thorny military and political problems for France and is due largely efforts of Chinese Consul General.” (851G.00/2–1847)↩