
The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Secretary of State


1113. Following is text of Soviet resolution on withdrawal of troops from Korea:57

“Having considered the resolution of the delegation of USSR on the simultaneous withdrawal of American and Soviet troops from Korea at the beginning of 1948;

“Bearing in mind that the aim of that resolution is to accelerate the transformation of Korea into an independent democratic state and to afford the Korean people the possibility of establishing its own national government of Korea;

“Recommends to the Government of the United States and to the Government of the USSR the simultaneous withdrawal of their troops from Southern and Northern Korea, respectively, at the beginning of 1948, thereby leaving to the Korean people itself the establishment of a national government of Korea.”

  1. UN document A/C.1/232, submitted on October 28 to the First Committee, which began discussion of the U. S. resolution on Korea that day; for proceedings, see United Nations, Official Records of the Second Session of the General Assembly, First Committee (hereafter cited as GA (II), First Committee), pp. 248–307. The U.S. resolution is printed ibid., p. 602; the Soviet resolution, p. 607. For Soviet resolution on inviting Korean representatives to take part in discussion of Korea (document A/C.1/229), see ibid., p. 606.