740.00119 Control (Korea)/9–1247: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Political Adviser in Korea (Jacobs)
211. Following draft of letter being despatched in accordance recommendations contained urtel 339 Sept 12:
“Secretary General of UN:
Sir: The attention of the United States Government has been drawn to the fact that various private Korean individuals in this country have issued from time to time statements regarding the Korean question and the presentation of that question to the United Nations. Such statements may have sometimes given the impression that these Korean individuals had some official status or represented official bodies in Korea recognized by this government.
I have the honor to advise that it is requested that the various delegations to the GA of the United Nations be informed that the only official Korean agencies authorized to speak officially for the Korean people under the military government which the United States has established in south Korea are (1) the civil administrator and (2) the South Korea Interim Legislative Assembly.
There is of course no objection so far as the US is concerned to the expression by individual Koreans or others of their personal views regarding any problem which is before the United Nations. However, to avoid misunderstanding it should be made clear that such persons are in no sense representative of any official body recognized by the United States Government.
Accept etc.
Warren Austin
US Representative”