501.BB/9–1847: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin)
406. Following draft resolution on Korea, for introduction in GA, cleared in Dept. Your comments requested.
“I. The General Assembly, Recognizing that a continuation of the existing situation with respect to Korea is likely to impair the general welfare and friendly relations among nations;
Having in mind that it is one of the purposes of the UN to develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples;
Having noted the international obligations undertaken with respect to Korea, including the Cairo Declaration of December 1, 1943,7 in which China, the United Kingdom and the US stated the determination that in due course Korea shall become free and independent, the Potsdam Proclamation of July 26, 1945,8 in which China, the UK, and the US reaffirmed the terms of the Cairo Declaration and to which the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics adhered upon entering the war in the Pacific, and the Moscow Agreement of Dec. 27, 1945,9 in which the UK, the USSR and the US, with the adherence of China, provided that there shall be set up a provisional Korean democratic government with a view to the re-establishment of Korea as an independent state;
Recommends that the national independence of Korea should be reestablished at the earliest possible date in order that Korea may become eligible for membership in the United Nations and that a situation likely to impair the general welfare and friendly relations among nations will cease to exist;
Recommends that as a first step in the achievement of this objective a national election be held in Korea within six months under the observation of the United Nations, and in accordance with the procedure set out hereinafter, for the purpose of choosing representatives to a National Constituent Assembly to form a national provisional Government and draft a constitution for Korea;
[Page 795]II. The General Assembly, Desirous of making the resources of the UN available to the fullest extent in order to expedite the carrying out of the above recommendations;
Resolves that:
- 1.
- A Commission on Korea shall be created consisting of the representatives of [11 states].10
- 2.
- The Commission shall establish regulations governing the conduct of the elections to be held for the purpose of choosing the National Constituent Assembly of Korea. In formulating such regulations the Commission shall take account of the election laws at present applicable respectively in the northern and southern zones of Korea, but shall in any event provide for voting by secret, multi-party ballot on the basis of universal suffrage. Special care shall be taken to formulate safeguards against the use of fraud, force or intimidation.
- 3.
- The Commission shall establish a body of impartial election observers consisting of nationals of states other than those adhering to the Moscow Agreement of December 27, 1945. These observers shall be stationed at such places throughout all Korea as the Commission may determine and shall report to the Commission on the extent of compliance with the election regulations.
- 4.
- The Commission shall be available to furnish the National Constituent Assembly such advice and assistance as the latter may desire in perfecting its organization and in forming a provisional government.
- 5.
- The Commission shall, in consultation with the Korean provisional government, consider and investigate such other questions relating to the re-establishment of Korean independence as it deems appropriate, including the establishment of a permanent govt for a united Korea, the withdrawal of the armed forces at present in occupation of Korea, the admission of Korea to the UN, and the aid and assistance to Korea needed to place Korean independence on a firm economic and political foundation.
- 6.
- The Commission shall submit to the Secy-Genl for transmittal to the Members of the UN an interim report on the result of the elections and on the formation of a provisional govt, and shall submit a comprehensive report and recommendations covering the matters referred to in paragraph 5 above to the next session of the GA.
- 7.
- The Commission shall have the widest powers required to enable it to carry out the functions specified above, including the authority to investigate, and to conclude appropriate arrangements with the proper authorities in Korea. Decisions of the Commission shall be taken by majority vote. In other respects the Commission shall determine its own procedure.
III. The General Assembly, Directs the Secretary-General to provide the necessary facilities for and assign appropriate staff to the Commission;
Authorizes the Secretary-General to defray the cost of the Commission and the body of observers from the Working Capital Fund, including the cost of reimbursing travel and subsistence expenses of a representative and an alternate representative from each government [Page 796] represented on the Commission on such basis as he may determine most appropriate;
Calls upon the Member States concerned to afford every assistance and facility to the Commission in the fulfillment of its task.”
Repeated Seoul as 201.
- Foreign Relations, The Conferences at Cairo and Tehran, 1943, p. 448.↩
- Foreign Relations, The Conference of Berlin (The Potsdam Conference), 1945, vol. ii, p. 1474.↩
- The Communiqué on the Moscow Conference of the Three Foreign Ministers, Foreign Relations, 1945, vol. ii, p. 815.↩
- Brackets appear in the original telegram.↩