Editorial Note

In telegram 325, September 9, from Seoul, Mr. Jacobs reported that Syngman Rhee had appointed two of his adherents in the United States (Ben C. Limb and Louisa Yim) “as alternate delegates to represent Korea at the proposed Four Power conference or any other conference”, and was working for a general election of a national legislature to adopt a constitution and establish a government for Korea (895.01/9–947).

In telegram 337, September 11, from Seoul, Mr. Jacobs further reported that Rhee was stressing a Korea without foreign interference and had stated that the general election law had been signed by the Acting Military Governor (895.01/9–1147). The Military Governor, General Lerch, died on September 11 and the Korean Interim Legislative Assembly next day adopted a resolution mourning his loss. President Truman on September 13, aboard the U.S.S. Missouri, acknowledged receipt of a message from Koreans on the death of General Lerch.