701.45C11/1–2347: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in the United Kingdom


391. [Here follows report of an exchange of views between the United States and British Governments regarding Burmese diplomatic representation.]

Dept desires leave question exact titles open until last moment. If Burma situation and wishes Burmese indicate unusually great importance attached immediate exchange fully accredited ministers, situation may be reconsidered. In accordance Depairgram to Rangoon A–100 Dec. 30,15 Dept informed Brit Emb informally that prior exchange diplomatic representatives GOB must define Rangoon consular district as including all Burma, This connection Dept proposes that U.S. diplomatic agent Rangoon also have title Consul General. Andrus16 left for London Jan 24 with background latest Dept thinking this question.

Sent London, rptd Nanking 89 Bangkok 44 Delhi 48.

  1. Not printed.
  2. J. Russell Andrus, of the Division of Middle Eastern and Indian Affairs.