740.00119 Control (Korea)/4–1147: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Secretary of State, at Moscow


900. Moskco 56. From Acheson for the Secretary. In recent exchange of letters between SecWar and myself agreement was reached re Korea along lines approved by you before your departure. Contemplated action includes (1) Presidential request for Congressional authorization for expenditures in Korea for the next 3 fiscal years not to exceed 540 million dollars to be followed by request for appropriation of 215 million dollars for fiscal 194855 and (2) reorganization of our admin in Korea along following lines: (a) termination of Gen [Page 631] MacArthur’s political—but not his military—responsibilities in Korea; (b) gradual replacement of military personnel in Military Govt by civilians; (c) passage by Interim Legislative Assembly of a general election law to be followed by election of a new legislative assembly and rapid progress toward setting up a Korean provisional govt with substantial autonomy in domestic affairs; (d) appointment of a Political Adviser of ambassadorial rank who would operate within the War Dept chain of command as at present but would in few months assume position of “Civil Commissioner” and have over-all direction of civil affairs, CG USAFIK retaining only his strictly military responsibilities.

Sec Patterson’s approval of assumption of civil affairs responsibility by a Civil Commissioner is contingent upon your willingness to have this commissioner report directly to and come under the direction of State Dept which would also take over Korean military govt functions now being performed by CAD. We realize this raises general question of admin of occupied areas. We feel however that there are substantial reasons for regarding Korea as a special case, due to its status as a liberated area, the nature of our commitments re Korea, the delicacy of our relations with, the Soviets there, the volatile internal political situation and the relatively minor administrative problems involved. We have not yet been able to make a detailed study of the administrative problem but a preliminary estimate indicates that present War Dept occupation responsibilities in Korea could be carried by State without major administrative readjustment. It is probable that a gradual takeover could be worked out which would be completed be before end of fiscal 1948. In view of above factors I recommend that you authorize me to inform Sec Patterson that you approve this proposal subject to the working out of mutually satisfactory detailed arrangements.

  1. In a letter to the Bureau of the Budget on May 15, the Department stated that Congress would be asked only for the one-year program for fiscal 1948 and that the War Department would support this (740.00119 Control (Korea)/5–1547).