740.0011 PW (Peace)/11–2447: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Counselor of the Department (Bohlen), at London


TelMar 12. For Bohlen. Mr. James Plimsoll called at Dept today and stated Dr. Evatt had delayed sending message to Secy in London and now asked that it be thus transmitted to him:

“Mr. Butterworth of the State Department has discussed confidentially with me the Chinese proposal for the Japanese peace conference, including the Far Eastern Commission method of voting. I have been in touch with my Government who are greatly concerned with the matter, feeling that Australia’s status as a Pacific belligerent is not at all recognized in the Chinese proposal and that we are entitled to rely on being treated as a party principal in all matters relating to the settlement of the Japanese war, in which our contribution was second only to the U.S.A.

Australia fills one of the four positions on the Allied Council for Japan and has been working in the closest cooperation with General [Page 580] MacArthur. Throughout the work of the Far Eastern Commission during the past 2 years, Australia has given the utmost assistance to the U.S.A. Government in meeting the problems of the occupation and in developing a sound policy towards Japan. Australia has joined with the U.S.A. in the offer made two weeks ago to return a substantial portion of our own reparations from Japan back to the pool for distribution among other claimants, as a means of securing a settlement acceptable to other countries and relieving economic problems in the rest of the Far East.

Certain alternatives for the Peace conference are possibly open, and I am asking Mr. Plimsoll of the Australian Department of External Affairs to discuss the whole position with Mr. Butterworth. In the meantime I would request that no commitment of any kind be given.”

The fact is that Plimsoll had no suggestions to offer. It is fair guess from Plimsoll’s rather vague remarks that Dr. Evatt has had a second thought about his proposal to act in UK stead and that his last hope is that the Secy can persuade the Russians to agree to Australia’s inclusion as fifth Power.

Dept would appreciate indication when exploratory talks in London will take place. It assumes you have in mind undesirability of losing through undue delay opportunity offered by Chinese note. (See London’s 6171 Nov 24, 6 p.m.91)

  1. Not printed.