Department of Defense files
The Joint Chiefs of Staff to General of the Army Douglas MacArthur, at Tokyo39
War 92372
The following directive,39a prepared by the State Department to implement the policy adopted by the Far Eastern Commission on 13 February, 1947 under the provisions of paragraph II, A, 1, of its terms of reference, has been received from the State, War and Navy Departments for transmission to you for your guidance in accordance with paragraph III, 1, of those terms of reference:
Directive begins:
Directive Regarding Delivery of Reparations Goods in Japan
[Here follows text of FEC policy decision of February 13 printed in Department of State, Far Eastern Series No. 24: Activities of the Far Eastern Commission, Report by the Secretary General, February 26, 1946—July 10, 1947 (Washington, Government Printing Office, 1947), page 79.]