740.00119 Control (Japan)/9–547: Telegram

The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Smith) to the Secretary of State


2795. Recent Soviet comment on Japan is representative increasing all-out attack on US policy throughout world. All Moscow papers September 3 carried lengthy anniversary articles glorifying Soviet role in Japanese defeat and accusing US of building up and exploiting Japan, supporting militarists, reactionaries, Zaibatsu, luring Japanese with food, suppressing democratic movements and acting unilaterally ignoring FEC and Allied Council. Venom directed Socialist Government Katayama who is called tried servant of militarists. (Summary by airgram.)

Such comment indicates Soviet interest Japan does not lag. Having refused participate 11-power peace conference, Kremlin must now contemplate consequences treaty negotiated without Soviets. While such eventuality would prevent participation Allied post-treaty control machinery Japan, Soviets might consider this dubious advantage since they would not be in position to dominate or effectively influence control organ. With acquisition south Sanghallen [Sakhalin] and Kuriles, described by Soviet writer as “bases for defense against attack by aggressors”, firm control of north Korea and Port Arthur area and satisfactory influence in Manchuria, USSR may feel aloofness to Allied peace conference will not seriously harm her position in Far East. On contrary continued legal state of war with Japan not only provides immediate convenient excuse maintain unchanged present regime Dairen but leaves USSR without obligations in post-treaty Japan and free to exploit fully every difficulty and dissatisfaction which may develop.

In such case Soviets may be expected to pull all propaganda stops on theme of US unilateral dominating action in Japan, discrediting acts of peace conference and encouraging opposition US policy all parts of the world. Theme would be exploited to justify their own unilateral action in retaining and strengthening control where now exercised and building up their own influence or even directly intervening in other Far East areas notably Manchuria. At same time USSR may be expected to redouble efforts to infiltrate Japan and foment social and political unrest to maximum.

Department pass Tokyo.58

  1. Relayed to Tokyo, September 6, 3 p.m.