740.00119 FEAC/6–2047: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Political Adviser in Japan (Atcheson)


230. FEC 22. Basic Post-Surrender Policy. Policy paper of above title, which is amended version of U.S. Initial Post-Surrender Policy and with which you are undoubtedly familiar, accepted unanimously by Commission June 1995 after having overcome 18 months of vicissitudes and delays. Latest was attempt by Australian representative to abandon paper because events have overtaken it and because peace conference may be held before long. This proposal received no support from other members who desired to confirm basic U.S. policies. U.S. also desired acceptance of paper by FEC because paper as amended contains certain principles advantageous to U.S. and not hitherto accepted by Allies. Australia then proposed to introduce amendment to effect that policies laid down in paper would not prejudice peace treaty discussions. After informal bilateral discussions Australia abandoned proposed amendment but read similar statement into record. This statement endorsed by Canada, New Zealand and United Kingdom and more or less agreed to by U.S., China and U.S.S.R. After some inconclusive discussion re period of validity of policy, paper was adopted. Policy paper will be published in U.S. after notification of receipt by SCAP, probably accompanied by press release embodying statements of delegates re connection with peace conference.

Japanese Whaling. U.K. representative recently introduced into FEC policy paper which would restrict Japanese whaling to areas in which they are permitted to fish and would prohibit entirely Japanese pelagic whaling. Economic Committee June 12 approved policy by vote of seven to one, with U.S. disapproving and China, Philippines and U.S.S.R. reserving positions. Policy paper then sent to Steering Committee by vote of ten to one. At Steering Committee June 17 Blakeslee96 American member made eloquent defense of U.S. position but received no support. Policy paper then sent to full Commission by same vote as in Economic Committee with Blakeslee disapproving policy but interposing no objection to passing it up to Commission. At FEC meeting June 19 General McCoy made statement to effect [Page 235] that U.S. views already made clear to interested governments by diplomatic exchanges; that “participation in Antarctic whaling by Japanese-manned ships under SCAP’s supervision is important in interest of Allied occupation”; and that U.S. Govt has “concluded that SCAP has authority to authorize another Antarctic whaling expedition and that he should do so”. Faced with this dictum other members abandoned discussion but voted to retain British policy paper on agenda.

  1. For text, see Activities of the Far Eastern Commission, p. 49. The document was embodied in a directive, serial 82, June 26, by the Joint Chiefs of Staff to SCAP, and a copy was sent by the Department to the Far Eastern Commission on July 8. Despatch 1174, July 17, from Tokyo (not printed) transmitted General MacArthur’s statement on the subject, which was released to the press at Tokyo July 13 at 7 a.m.; for text, see Political Reorientation of Japan, p. 774.
  2. Dr. George H. Blakeslee, member of the U.S. delegation, Far Eastern Commission.